idDynamicArray_Class.f90 Source File

This File Depends On

sourcefile~~iddynamicarray_class.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~iddynamicarray_class.f90 idDynamicArray_Class.f90 sourcefile~m_sort.f90 m_sort.f90 sourcefile~m_sort.f90->sourcefile~iddynamicarray_class.f90 sourcefile~m_searching.f90 m_searching.f90 sourcefile~m_searching.f90->sourcefile~iddynamicarray_class.f90 sourcefile~m_reallocate.f90 m_reallocate.f90 sourcefile~m_reallocate.f90->sourcefile~iddynamicarray_class.f90 sourcefile~m_allocate.f90 m_allocate.f90 sourcefile~m_allocate.f90->sourcefile~iddynamicarray_class.f90 sourcefile~m_allocate.f90->sourcefile~m_reallocate.f90 sourcefile~m_errors.f90 m_errors.f90 sourcefile~m_errors.f90->sourcefile~iddynamicarray_class.f90 sourcefile~m_errors.f90->sourcefile~m_reallocate.f90 sourcefile~m_errors.f90->sourcefile~m_allocate.f90 sourcefile~m_strings.f90 m_strings.f90 sourcefile~m_errors.f90->sourcefile~m_strings.f90 sourcefile~m_deallocate.f90 m_deallocate.f90 sourcefile~m_errors.f90->sourcefile~m_deallocate.f90 sourcefile~m_unittester.f90 m_unitTester.f90 sourcefile~m_errors.f90->sourcefile~m_unittester.f90 sourcefile~m_strings.f90->sourcefile~iddynamicarray_class.f90 sourcefile~m_deallocate.f90->sourcefile~iddynamicarray_class.f90 sourcefile~m_variablekind.f90 m_variableKind.f90 sourcefile~m_variablekind.f90->sourcefile~iddynamicarray_class.f90 sourcefile~m_variablekind.f90->sourcefile~m_sort.f90 sourcefile~m_variablekind.f90->sourcefile~m_searching.f90 sourcefile~m_variablekind.f90->sourcefile~m_reallocate.f90 sourcefile~m_variablekind.f90->sourcefile~m_allocate.f90 sourcefile~m_variablekind.f90->sourcefile~m_errors.f90 sourcefile~m_variablekind.f90->sourcefile~m_strings.f90 sourcefile~m_variablekind.f90->sourcefile~m_deallocate.f90 sourcefile~m_variablekind.f90->sourcefile~m_unittester.f90 sourcefile~m_parameters.f90 m_parameters.f90 sourcefile~m_variablekind.f90->sourcefile~m_parameters.f90 sourcefile~m_unittester.f90->sourcefile~m_allocate.f90 sourcefile~m_parameters.f90->sourcefile~m_strings.f90

Files Dependent On This One

sourcefile~~iddynamicarray_class.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~iddynamicarray_class.f90 idDynamicArray_Class.f90 sourcefile~idargdynamicarray_class.f90 idArgDynamicArray_Class.f90 sourcefile~iddynamicarray_class.f90->sourcefile~idargdynamicarray_class.f90 sourcefile~m_tests.f90 m_tests.f90 sourcefile~iddynamicarray_class.f90->sourcefile~m_tests.f90 sourcefile~idargdynamicarray_class.f90->sourcefile~m_tests.f90 sourcefile~test_coretran.f90 test_coretran.f90 sourcefile~m_tests.f90->sourcefile~test_coretran.f90

Source Code

module idDynamicArray_Class
!! Class that act as stacks, queues, and priority queues.
!! These classes use dynamically allocated contiguous blocks of memory to store a list of numbers.
!! The queues can be sorted to become priority queues and use binary searches to quickly insert new numbers.
!! If the allocated memory is filled, the available space is doubled.
!! Memory is only reallocated to a smaller size, if the utilization is a quarter of that allocated.
!!program dynamicArray_test
!!use variableKind, only: i32
!!use m_dynamicArray, only: idDynamicArray
!!implicit none
!!type(idDynamicArray) :: da, da2
!!integer(i32) :: ia
!!da = idDynamicArray(10)
!!call da%insertAt(1, 10_i64)
!!call da%insertAt(1, 20_i64)
!!call da%prepend(30_i64)
!!call da%append(40_i64)
!!call da%remove(2)
!!call da%tighten()
!!da2 = da
!!da2%values(2) = 50_i64
!!call da%deallocate()
!!call da2%deallocate()
!!da = idDynamicArray(3, sorted=.true.)
!!call da%insertSorted(20_i64)
!!call da%insertSorted(30_i64)
!!call da%insertSorted(10_i64)
!!ia = da%locationOf(20_i64)
!!call da%insertSortedUnique(10_i64)
!!call da%insertSortedUnique(15_i64)
!!call da%deallocate()
!!da = idDynamicArray(3, sorted=.true., fixed=.true.)
!!call da%insertSorted(20_i64)
!!call da%insertSorted(30_i64)
!!call da%insertSorted(10_i64)
!!ia = da%locationOf(20_i64)
!!call da%insertSortedUnique(10_i64)
!!call da%insertSortedUnique(15_i64)
!!call da%deallocate()
!!end program

use variableKind, only: i32, i64
use m_allocate, only: allocate
use m_searching, only: binarySearch, intervalSearch
use m_deallocate, only: deallocate
use m_errors, only: eMsg, msg
use m_reallocate, only: reallocate
use m_sort, only: sort
use m_strings, only: str

implicit none


public :: idDynamicArray

type :: idDynamicArray
  !! Class that act as stacks, queues, and priority queues. See [[idDynamicArray_Class]] for more information on how to use this class.
  integer(i32) :: N
    !! Current size of the array
  integer(i64), allocatable :: values(:)
    !! Memory for values, can be larger than N
  logical :: sorted = .false.
    !! Keep track of whether the array is sorted for potential speed increases
  logical :: fixed = .false.
    !! Don't allow the memory to change after initial instantiation.
  procedure, public :: append => append_idDynamicArray
    !! idDynamicArray%append() - Append a value to the end of the dynamic array.  Will change a sorted dynamic array to unsorted.
  procedure, public :: deallocate => deallocate_idDynamicArray
    !! idDynamicArray%deallocate() - Deallocate a dynamic array.
  procedure, public :: insertAt => insertAt_idDynamicArray
    !! idDynamicArray%insertAt() - Insert a value at a given index.
  procedure, public :: insertSorted => insertSorted_idDynamicArray
    !! idDynamicArray%insertSorted() - Insert a value into a sorted dynamic array.
  procedure, public :: insertSortedUnique => insertSortedUnique_idDynamicArray
    !! idDynamicArray%insertSortedUnique() - Inserts only unique numbers into a dynamic array.
  procedure, public :: isEmpty => isEmpty_idDynamicArray
    !! idDynamicArray%isEmpty() - True if the array is empty.
  procedure, public :: isFilled => isFilled_idDynamicArray
    !! idDynamicArray%isFilled() - True if the array is filled.
  procedure, public :: locationOf => locationOf_idDynamicArray
    !! idDynamicArray%locationOf() - Get the location of a value in a sorted dynamic array.
  procedure, public :: prepend => prepend_idDynamicArray
    !! idDynamicArray%prepend() - Prepend a value to the start of the dynamic array. Only for unsorted dynamic arrays
  procedure, public :: reallocate => reallocate_idDynamicArray
    !! idDynamicArray%reallocate() - Create new contiguous memory to match the needs of the expanding or shrinking array.
  procedure, public :: remove => remove_idDynamicArray
    !! idDynamicArray%remove() - Remove an element from the array.
  procedure, public :: tighten => tighten_idDynamicArray
    !! idDynamicArray%tighten() - Removes excess buffer memory and trims it to the current length.
end type

interface idDynamicArray
  procedure :: init_idDynamicArray_i1, init_idDynamicArray_d1D
end interface

interface assignment(=)
  procedure :: copy_idDynamicArray
end interface


  subroutine append_idDynamicArray(this,val)
    !! Overloaded type bound procedure idDynamicArray%append()
  class(idDynamicArray) :: this
  integer(i64) :: val
    !! Value to append.
  if (this%fixed) call eMsg('idDynamicArray%append: Cannot use append with fixed array.')
  call this%insertAt(this%N + 1, val) ! Append at last location
  end subroutine
  subroutine copy_idDynamicArray(new,this)
    !! Overloaded assignment of equals.  new = this
  class(idDynamicArray), intent(in) :: this
    !! Class to copy.
  type(idDynamicArray), intent(out) :: new
    !! Copy of this.
  call allocate(new%values, size(this%values))
  new%N = this%N
  new%values = this%values
  new%sorted = this%sorted
  new%fixed = this%fixed
  end subroutine
  subroutine deallocate_idDynamicArray(this)
    !! Overloaded type bound procedure idDynamicArray%deallocate()
  class(idDynamicArray) :: this
  call deallocate(this%values)
  this%N = 0
  this%sorted = .false.
  end subroutine
  function init_idDynamicArray_i1(M, sorted, fixed) result(this)
    !! Overloaded by interface idDynamicArray()
  integer(i32), intent(in), optional :: M
    !! Amount of memory to allocate.
  logical, intent(in), optional :: sorted
    !! Maintain a sorted array.
  logical, intent(in), optional :: fixed
    !! Maintain a fixed size array.
  type(idDynamicArray) :: this
    !! Return type.

  integer(i32) :: M_
  M_ = 1
  if (present(M)) then
    if (M < 1) call eMsg('idDynamicArray: M must be > 0')
    M_ = M
  call allocate(this%values, M_)
  this%N = 0

  this%sorted = .false.
  if (present(sorted)) this%sorted = sorted
  this%fixed = .false.
  if (present(fixed)) this%fixed = fixed
  end function
  function init_idDynamicArray_d1D(values, M, sorted, fixed) result(this)
    !! Overloaded by interface idDynamicArray()
  integer(i64), intent(in) :: values(:)
      !! Set of values to initialize with.
  integer(i32), intent(in), optional :: M
    !! Amount of memory to allocate.
  logical, intent(in), optional :: sorted
    !! Maintain a sorted array.
  logical, intent(in), optional :: fixed
    !! Maintain a fixed size array.
  type(idDynamicArray) :: this
    !! Return type

  if (present(M)) then
    if (M < size(values)) call eMsg('idDynamicArray: M must be >= size(values)')
    call allocate(this%values, M)
    call allocate(this%values, size(values))

  this%N = size(values)

  this%sorted = .false.
  if (present(sorted)) this%sorted = sorted
  if (this%sorted) then
      this%values(1:this%N) = values
      call sort(this%values(1:this%N))
      this%values(1:this%N) = values
  this%fixed = .false.
  if (present(fixed)) this%fixed = fixed
  end function
  subroutine insertAt_idDynamicArray(this,i,val)
    !! Private insert into array without checking for sorted flag.
  class(idDynamicArray) :: this
  integer(i32) :: i
    !! Insert value at this location.
  integer(i64) :: val
    !! Insert this value.
  integer :: j, N
  if (i < 1 .or. i > this%N + 1) call Emsg('idDynamicArray%insertAt: 1 <= i <= '//str(this%N + 1))

  N = size(this%values)

  if (this%fixed) then
    if (i > N) call Emsg('idDynamicArray%insertAt: For fixed array, 1 <= i <= '//str(N))

    if (this%N < N) this%N = this%N + 1

    do j = this%N, i+1, -1
      this%values(j) = this%values(j-1)
    ! Expand the vector if needed
    if (N < this%N + 1) call this%reallocate(2 * N)
    do j = this%N + 1, i + 1, -1
      this%values(j) = this%values(j-1)
    this%N = this%N + 1

  this%values(i) = val
  end subroutine
  subroutine insertSorted_idDynamicArray(this,val)
    !! Overloaded type bound procedure idDynamicArray%insertSorted()
  class(idDynamicArray) :: this
  integer(i64) :: val
    !! Insert this value.
  integer(i32) :: iSearch(3) ! location and interval of new value
  if (.not. this%sorted) call eMsg('idDynamicArray%insertSorted: Cannot use insertSorted with unsorted dynamic array')
  iSearch=intervalSearch(this%values, val, 1, this%N)
  call this%insertAt(iSearch(3), val)
  end subroutine
  subroutine insertSortedUnique_idDynamicArray(this,val)
    !! Overloaded type bound procedure idDynamicArray%insertSortedUnique()
  class(idDynamicArray) :: this
  integer(i64) :: val
    !! Insert this value.
  integer(i32) :: iSearch(3) ! location and interval of new value
  if (.not. this%sorted) call eMsg('idDynamicArray%insertSortedUnique: Cannot use insertSortedUnique with unsorted dynamic array')
  iSearch=intervalSearch(this%values, val, 1, this%N)
  if (iSearch(1) == -1) call this%insertAt(iSearch(3), val)
  end subroutine
  function isEmpty_idDynamicArray(this) result(yes)
    !! Overloaded type bound procedure idDynamicArray%isEmpty()
  class(idDynamicArray) :: this
  logical :: yes
    !! Array is empty
  yes = (this%N == 0)
  end function
  function isFilled_idDynamicArray(this) result(yes)
    !! Overloaded type bound procedure idDynamicArray%isFilled()
  class(idDynamicArray) :: this
  logical :: yes
    !! Array is filled
  yes = (this%N == size(this%values))
  end function
  function locationOf_idDynamicArray(this, val) result(i)
    !! Overloaded type bound procedure idDynamicArray%locationOf().
  class(idDynamicArray) :: this
  integer(i64) :: val
    !! Get the location of this value
  integer(i32) :: i
    !! Location of value
  if (.not. this%sorted) call eMsg('idDynamicArray%locationOf: Cannot use locationOf with unsorted dynamic array')
  i = binarySearch(this%values, val, 1, this%N)
  end function
  subroutine prepend_idDynamicArray(this,val)
    !! Overloaded type bound procedure idDynamicArray%prepend()
  class(idDynamicArray) :: this
  integer(i64) :: val
    !! Value to prepend.
  if (this%fixed) call eMsg('idDynamicArray%prepend: Cannot use prepend with fixed array.')
  call this%insertAt(1, val) ! Prepend at first location
  end subroutine
  subroutine reallocate_idDynamicArray(this, M)
    !! Overloaded type bound procedure idDynamicArray%reallocate().
  class(idDynamicArray) :: this
  integer(i32) :: M
    !! Reallocate memory to this size.
  call reallocate(this%values, M)
  end subroutine
  subroutine remove_idDynamicArray(this, i)
    !! Overloaded type bound procedure idDynamicArray%remove().
  class(idDynamicArray) :: this
  integer(i32) :: i
    !! Remove the value at this location.
  integer(i32) :: j
  if (i < 1 .or. i > this%N) call Emsg('idDynamic%remove: 1 <= i <= '//str(this%N))
  do j = i, this%N - 1
    this%values(j) = this%values(j + 1)
  this%N = this%N - 1
  if (.not. this%fixed) then
    if (this%N < size(this%values)/4) call this%reallocate(this%N)
  end subroutine
  subroutine tighten_idDynamicArray(this)
    !! Overloaded type bound procedure idDynamicArray%tighten().
  class(idDynamicArray) :: this
  if (this%fixed) call eMsg('idDynamicArray%tighten: Cannot use tighten with fixed array.')
  call this%reallocate(this%N)
  end subroutine
end module