Procedure | Location | Procedure Type | Description |
allocate | m_allocate | Interface | Allocate an allocatable array. If the array is already allocated, memory is reallocated to the given size, unless no size change will occur. The allocated memory is NOT initialized to any value, so be sure to do so afterwards if you call allocate. |
allocate_test | m_tests | Subroutine | |
appendString | m_strings | Function | Append a string |
arange | m_array1D | Interface | Create a 1D array from start to stop in given increments of 1 or optionally step |
argInsertionsort | m_sort | Interface | Perform an indirect insertion sort on an array |
argMedianOf3 | m_medianOf3 | Interface | Sort the indices of three numbers into an array and return the location of the median |
argPartition | m_partition | Interface | Partitioning used for argQuicksort routines |
argSelect | m_select | Interface | Use an indirect introspection sort on an array of numbers |
argSort | m_sort | Interface | Use an indirect introspection sort on an array of numbers |
array1D_test | m_tests | Subroutine | |
binarySearch | m_searching | Interface | Perform a binary search. See m_searching for more information on how to use this interface |
checkIsOpen | m_fileIO | Subroutine | Checks whether a file is open with an error message if not |
closeFile | m_fileIO | Subroutine | Close a file and perform any necessary checks |
compact | m_strings | Subroutine | Replace tabs and spaces with a single space str must be a variable and not an explicit 'string'. Otherwise adjustl will fail. |
compare | m_compare | Interface | |
compare_d1 | m_compare | Function | |
copy | m_copy | Interface | Copies an array to new memory (no pointers), The output array size will be changed to match the copy. |
copy_test | m_tests | Subroutine | |
countEntries | m_strings | Function | Count the number of entries in a string |
crossproduct | m_maths | Interface | Compute the cross product between two arrays of length 2 or 3 |
cumprod | m_maths | Interface | Compute the variance of an array |
cumsum | m_maths | Interface | Compute the variance of an array |
dArgDynamicArray | dArgDynamicArray_Class | Interface | |
dArgDynamicArray_test | m_tests | Subroutine | |
daysInMonth | m_time | Function | Get the number of days in a month. Accounts for leap years |
daysInYear | m_time | Function | Get the number of days in a year, accounts for leap years |
dDynamicArray | dDynamicArray_Class | Interface | |
dDynamicArray_test | m_tests | Subroutine | |
deallocate | m_deallocate | Interface | Deallocate an allocatable array. |
debug | m_debugging | Interface | Interface for printing primitives with a name for debug purposes All may be called using 'call debug(args)' |
debug_s | m_debugging | Subroutine | |
deleteFile | m_fileIO | Subroutine | Deletes a file on disk |
diff | m_array1D | Interface | Compute the difference along an array |
eMsg | m_errors | Subroutine | Write an Error message. Stops the code |
fastTwoDiff | m_maths | Interface | Compute the difference two numbers and compute the numerical round-off error. See Shewchuk 1997 Adaptive Precision Floating-Point Arithmetic and Fast Robust Geometric Predicates This should only be used if you know that the magnitude of a is greater than or equal to b, otherwise, you should use the slower twoDiff routine |
fastTwoSum | m_maths | Interface | Compute the sum of two numbers and compute the numerical round-off error. See Shewchuk 1997 Adaptive Precision Floating-Point Arithmetic and Fast Robust Geometric Predicates This should only be used if you know that the magnitude of a is greater than or equal to b, otherwise, you should use the slower twoSum routine |
fErr | m_errors | Subroutine | Checks for a file error |
fileExists | m_fileIO | Function | Checks whether the file with name fName exists on disk |
fileIO_test | m_fileIO | Subroutine | |
geometricMean | m_maths | Interface | Compute the geometric mean of a vector |
getExtension | m_fileIO | Function | Get the extension of a file |
getFileSize | m_fileIO | Function | Get the file size in Bytes |
getNFileLines | m_fileIO | Function | Counts the number of lines in a file after the number of specified header lines |
getRandomSeed | Prng_Class | Subroutine | Gets a randomly generated seed by getting the current integer time and then using a splitmix algorithm to generate the necessary number of seeds. |
hasExtension | m_fileIO | Function | Checks if a file 'fname' is of type 'extension' |
hasNentries | m_strings | Function | Check that a string has N entries |
iachar1D | m_strings | Function | Use iachar on a full string |
iArgDynamicArray | iArgDynamicArray_Class | Interface | |
iArgDynamicArray_test | m_tests | Subroutine | |
idArgDynamicArray | idArgDynamicArray_Class | Interface | |
idArgDynamicArray_test | m_tests | Subroutine | |
idDynamicArray | idDynamicArray_Class | Interface | |
idDynamicArray_test | m_tests | Subroutine | |
iDynamicArray | iDynamicArray_Class | Interface | |
iDynamicArray_test | m_tests | Subroutine | |
ind2sub | m_indexing | Function | Compute the indices in each dimension from the global index |
indexing_test | m_tests | Subroutine | |
insertionsort | m_sort | Interface | Perform an in-place insertion sort on an array |
integerBin | m_indexing | Function | |
intervalSearch | m_searching | Interface | Perform an interval search on an array Returns a length 3 integer(i32) array where the last two entries are the left and right neighbours The first entry of iout is -1 if the value is not present in the vector Assumes this is sorted!See m_searching for more information on how to use this interface |
isLeapYear | m_time | Function | Determine whether the year is a leap year |
isOpen | m_fileIO | Function | Is the file open or not |
isSorted | m_array1D | Interface | Check that a 1D array is sorted |
isString | m_strings | Function | Match two string together |
KdTree | m_KdTree | Interface | Overloaded Initializer for a KdTree. |
KdTree_test | m_tests | Subroutine | |
lowerCase | m_strings | Function | Convert a string to lowercase |
maths_test | m_tests | Subroutine | |
mean | m_maths | Interface | Compute the mean |
median | m_maths | Interface | Compute the median of a set of numbers |
medianOf3 | m_medianOf3 | Interface | Sort three numbers in an array and return the location of the median |
mErr | m_errors | Subroutine | Checks for successful (de)allocation. Stops the code. |
msg | m_errors | Subroutine | Write a message |
norm1 | m_maths | Interface | Compute the L1 norm of a set of numbers |
normI | m_maths | Interface | Compute the Linfinity norm of a set of numbers |
openBinaryFile | m_fileIO | Subroutine | Open an unformatted binary file stat should be 'new','old','unknown','append' |
openFile | m_fileIO | Subroutine | Open a file and perform necessary checks for failure stat should be 'new','old','unknown','append' |
partition | m_partition | Interface | Partitioning used for quickSort and quickSelect routines |
partition3way | m_partition3way | Interface | Partitioning used for quicksort routines |
partition3way_d1D | m_partition3way | Subroutine | Interfaced with partition() |
prependString | m_strings | Function | Prepend a string |
Prng | Prng_Class | Interface | Overloaded Initializer for a Prng - Pseudo random number generator. Thread safe, xorshift1024* or xorshift128+ generator than can draw from different distributions. See Prng_Class for more information on how to use this class. |
Prng_test | m_tests | Subroutine | Test the jump capabilities of the xorshift128+ in parallel |
ProgressBar | ProgressBar_Class | Interface | |
project | m_maths | Interface | Project a vector a onto vector b |
random_test | m_tests | Subroutine | |
rArgDynamicArray | rArgDynamicArray_Class | Interface | |
rArgDynamicArray_test | m_tests | Subroutine | |
rDynamicArray | rDynamicArray_Class | Interface | |
rDynamicArray_test | m_tests | Subroutine | |
read1Dble | m_strings | Subroutine | |
read1Integer | m_strings | Subroutine | Get a single integer from a line, returns an error code if there is more than one entry |
readline | m_readline | Interface | Read in multiple items from a line |
readline | m_strings | Subroutine | Reads a line from a file, ignoring any comments |
reallocate | m_reallocate | Interface | Reallocate an allocatable array |
reallocate_test | m_tests | Subroutine | |
removeComments | m_strings | Subroutine | Removes the text after the ! mark in a string |
repeat | m_array1D | Interface | Repeat each element nRepeat times |
replacedelim | m_strings | Subroutine | Replace a single character length delimiter in a string |
rngExponential | m_random | Interface | |
rngExponential_d1 | m_random | Subroutine | Interfaced with rngExponential |
rngExponential_d1D | m_random | Subroutine | Interfaced with rngExponential |
rngExponential_d2D | m_random | Subroutine | Interfaced with rngExponential |
rngExponential_d3D | m_random | Subroutine | Interfaced with rngExponential |
rngExponential_unscaled_d1 | Prng_Class | Interface | |
rngInteger | m_random | Interface | Generate size(this) random integers starting from imin |
rngInteger_i1 | m_random | Subroutine | Interfaced with rngInteger |
rngInteger_i1D | m_random | Subroutine | Interfaced with rngInteger |
rngInteger_i2D | m_random | Subroutine | Interfaced with rngInteger |
rngInteger_i3D | m_random | Subroutine | Interfaced with rngInteger |
rngNormal | m_random | Interface | |
rngNormal_d1 | m_random | Subroutine | Interfaced with rngNormal |
rngNormal_d1D | m_random | Subroutine | Interfaced with rngNormal |
rngNormal_d2D | m_random | Subroutine | Interfaced with rngNormal |
rngNormal_d3D | m_random | Subroutine | Interfaced with rngNormal |
rngUniform | m_random | Interface | |
rngUniform_d1 | m_random | Subroutine | Interfaced with rngUniform |
rngUniform_d1D | m_random | Subroutine | Interfaced with rngUniform |
rngUniform_d2D | m_random | Subroutine | Interfaced with rngUniform |
rngUniform_d3D | m_random | Subroutine | Interfaced with rngUniform |
rngUniform_xorshift | Prng_Class | Subroutine | |
rngWeibull | m_random | Interface | |
rngWeibull_d1 | m_random | Subroutine | Interfaced with rngWeibull |
rngWeibull_d1D | m_random | Subroutine | Interfaced with rngWeibull |
rngWeibull_d2D | m_random | Subroutine | Interfaced with rngWeibull |
rngWeibull_d3D | m_random | Subroutine | Interfaced with rngWeibull |
secondsToHMS | m_time | Function | Convert a time in seconds to HH:MM:SS.MSEC |
select | m_select | Interface | Use an in-place quick select on an array of numbers |
select_test | m_tests | Subroutine | |
setPrng | m_random | Interface | |
setPrng_withSeed | m_random | Subroutine | Interfaced to setPrng() Sets the seed of the random number generator with a specified seed |
setPrng_WOseed | m_random | Subroutine | Interfaced to setPrng() 'Randomly' sets the seed of the random number generator |
shuffle | m_array1D | Interface | Perform Knuth shuffling on an array |
simpleSearch | m_searching | Interface | Carry out a brute force search on an array for a given number. Returns -1 if the value is not found. |
skipFileLines | m_fileIO | Subroutine | Skip N lines in a file |
sort | m_sort | Interface | Use an in-place introspection sort on an array of numbers |
sorting_test | m_tests | Subroutine | |
std | m_maths | Interface | Compute the standard deviation of an array |
str | m_strings | Interface | Interface to print a string representation of a number The output format options can be set using the printOptions class |
strings_test | m_tests | Subroutine | |
sub2ind | m_indexing | Function | Given component indices, get the global vector location. |
swap | m_swap | Interface | Swap the values of two variables |
test | scaleTest_coretran | Subroutine | |
tester | m_unitTester | Interface | |
time_test | m_tests | Subroutine | |
timeInSeconds | m_time | Function | Convert hours minutes seconds etc. to seconds |
timeToInteger | m_time | Function | Convert hours minutes seconds etc. to an integer. Use 64bit to prevent the 2038 problem. |
trimExtension | m_fileIO | Function | Trims the extension of a filename |
trimmedmean | m_maths | Interface | Compute the Trimmed mean of an array, alpha is a percent value to trim from either end |
twoDiff | m_maths | Interface | Compute the difference between two numbers and compute the numerical round-off error. See Shewchuk 1997 Adaptive Precision Floating-Point Arithmetic and Fast Robust Geometric Predicates If you know that the magnitude of a is greater than or equal to b, use fastTwoDiff |
twoSum | m_maths | Interface | Compute the sum of two numbers and compute the numerical round-off error. See Shewchuk 1997 Adaptive Precision Floating-Point Arithmetic and Fast Robust Geometric Predicates If you know that the magnitude of a is greater than or equal to b, use fastTwoSum |
upperCase | m_strings | Function | Convert a string to uppercase |
variance | m_maths | Interface | Compute the variance of an array |
wMsg | m_errors | Subroutine | Write a Warning message |
writeline | m_writeline | Interface | Write multiple items to a line |