dDynamicArray_Class Module

module~~ddynamicarray_class~~UsesGraph module~ddynamicarray_class dDynamicArray_Class module~variablekind variableKind module~variablekind->module~ddynamicarray_class module~m_sort m_sort module~variablekind->module~m_sort module~m_strings m_strings module~variablekind->module~m_strings module~m_errors m_errors module~variablekind->module~m_errors module~m_allocate m_allocate module~variablekind->module~m_allocate module~m_searching m_searching module~variablekind->module~m_searching module~m_deallocate m_deallocate module~variablekind->module~m_deallocate module~m_reallocate m_reallocate module~variablekind->module~m_reallocate module~m_parameters m_parameters module~variablekind->module~m_parameters module~m_unittester m_unitTester module~variablekind->module~m_unittester module~m_sort->module~ddynamicarray_class module~m_strings->module~ddynamicarray_class module~m_errors->module~ddynamicarray_class module~m_errors->module~m_strings module~m_errors->module~m_allocate module~m_errors->module~m_deallocate module~m_errors->module~m_reallocate module~m_errors->module~m_unittester module~m_allocate->module~ddynamicarray_class module~m_allocate->module~m_reallocate module~m_searching->module~ddynamicarray_class module~m_deallocate->module~ddynamicarray_class module~m_reallocate->module~ddynamicarray_class iso_fortran_env iso_fortran_env iso_fortran_env->module~variablekind iso_fortran_env->module~m_strings iso_fortran_env->module~m_errors iso_fortran_env->module~m_unittester module~m_parameters->module~m_strings module~m_unittester->module~m_allocate

Class that act as stacks, queues, and priority queues. These classes use dynamically allocated contiguous blocks of memory to store a list of numbers. The queues can be sorted to become priority queues and use binary searches to quickly insert new numbers. If the allocated memory is filled, the available space is doubled. Memory is only reallocated to a smaller size, if the utilization is a quarter of that allocated. The array can be specified as fixed, so that no reallocation occurs. This is useful for heaps of given like k nearest neighbours, or k smallest.

program dynamicArray_test
use variableKind, only: i32
use dDynamicArray_Class, only: dDynamicArray

implicit none

type(dDynamicArray) :: da, da2
integer(i32) :: ia

da = dDynamicArray(10)
call da%insertAt(1, 10.d0)
call da%insertAt(1, 20.d0)
call da%prepend(30.d0)
call da%append(40.d0)
call da%remove(2)
call da%tighten()
da2 = da
da2%values(2) = 50.d0
call da%deallocate()
call da2%deallocate()

da = dDynamicArray(3, sorted=.true.)
call da%insertSorted(20.d0)
call da%insertSorted(30.d0)
call da%insertSorted(10.d0)
ia = da%locationOf(20.d0)
call da%insertSortedUnique(10.d0)
call da%insertSortedUnique(15.d0)
call da%deallocate()

da = dDynamicArray(3, sorted=.true., fixed=.true.)
call da%insertSorted(20.d0)
call da%insertSorted(30.d0)
call da%insertSorted(10.d0)
ia = da%locationOf(20.d0)
call da%insertSortedUnique(10.d0)
call da%insertSortedUnique(15.d0)
call da%deallocate()
end program

Used By

module~~ddynamicarray_class~~UsedByGraph module~ddynamicarray_class dDynamicArray_Class module~m_tests m_tests module~ddynamicarray_class->module~m_tests module~dargdynamicarray_class dArgDynamicArray_Class module~ddynamicarray_class->module~dargdynamicarray_class program~test_coretran test_coretran module~m_tests->program~test_coretran module~dargdynamicarray_class->module~m_tests module~m_kdtree m_KdTree module~dargdynamicarray_class->module~m_kdtree module~m_kdtree->module~m_tests program~scaletest_coretran scaleTest_coretran module~m_kdtree->program~scaletest_coretran


public interface dDynamicArray

  • private function init_dDynamicArray_i1(M, sorted, fixed) result(this)

    Overloaded by interface dDynamicArray()


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    integer(kind=i32), intent(in), optional :: M

    Amount of memory to allocate.

    logical, intent(in), optional :: sorted

    Maintain a sorted array.

    logical, intent(in), optional :: fixed

    Maintain a fixed size array.

    Return Value type(dDynamicArray)

    Return type.

  • private function init_dDynamicArray_d1D(values, M, sorted, fixed) result(this)

    Overloaded by interface dDynamicArray()


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    real(kind=r64), intent(in) :: values(:)

    Set of values to initialize with.

    integer(kind=i32), intent(in), optional :: M

    Amount of memory to allocate.

    logical, intent(in), optional :: sorted

    Maintain a sorted array.

    logical, intent(in), optional :: fixed

    Maintain a fixed size array.

    Return Value type(dDynamicArray)

    Return type

Derived Types

type, public :: dDynamicArray

Class that act as stacks, queues, and priority queues. See dDynamicArray_Class for more information on how to use this class.


TypeVisibility AttributesNameInitial
integer(kind=i32), public :: N

Current size of the array

real(kind=r64), public, allocatable:: values(:)

Memory for values, can be larger than N

logical, public :: sorted =.false.

Keep track of whether the array is sorted for potential speed increases

logical, public :: fixed =.false.

Don't allow the memory to change after initial instantiation.


private function init_dDynamicArray_i1(M, sorted, fixed)

Overloaded by interface dDynamicArray()

private function init_dDynamicArray_d1D(values, M, sorted, fixed)

Overloaded by interface dDynamicArray()

Type-Bound Procedures

procedure, public :: append => append_dDynamicArray

dDynamicArray%append() - Append a value to the end of the dynamic array. Will change a sorted dynamic array to unsorted.

procedure, public :: deallocate => deallocate_dDynamicArray

dDynamicArray%deallocate() - Deallocate a dynamic array.

procedure, public :: insertAt => insertAt_dDynamicArray

dDynamicArray%insertAt() - Insert a value at a given index.

procedure, public :: insertSorted => insertSorted_dDynamicArray

dDynamicArray%insertSorted() - Insert a value into a sorted dynamic array.

procedure, public :: insertSortedUnique => insertSortedUnique_dDynamicArray

dDynamicArray%insertSortedUnique() - Inserts only unique numbers into a dynamic array.

procedure, public :: isEmpty => isEmpty_dDynamicArray

dDynamicArray%isEmpty() - True if the array is empty.

procedure, public :: isFilled => isFilled_dDynamicArray

dDynamicArray%isFilled() - True if the array is filled.

procedure, public :: locationOf => locationOf_dDynamicArray

dDynamicArray%locationOf() - Get the location of a value in a sorted dynamic array.

procedure, public :: prepend => prepend_dDynamicArray

dDynamicArray%prepend() - Prepend a value to the start of the dynamic array. Only for unsorted dynamic arrays

procedure, public :: reallocate => reallocate_dDynamicArray

dDynamicArray%reallocate() - Create new contiguous memory to match the needs of the expanding or shrinking array.

procedure, public :: remove => remove_dDynamicArray

dDynamicArray%remove() - Remove an element from the array.

procedure, public :: tighten => tighten_dDynamicArray

dDynamicArray%tighten() - Removes excess buffer memory and trims it to the current length.